
Date: 24th March 1842
Address: 16, Elliott's Court, Old Bailey
Name: William Porter
Sex: Male
Age: 36 years
Occupation: Labourer
Cause: Dropsy 
Informant: Mary Ann Porter
Description: Present at the death
Address: 16, Elliott's Court, Old Bailey 

Date: 10 March 1883
Address: 34, Gillingham Street, Pimlico
Name: William Porter
Sex: Male
Age: 53 years
Occupation: Domestic Coachman
Cause: Natural disease of the heart.
Found dead on the floor
P Mort 12 March 1883
Certificate received from inquest held 12 March 1883
Description: Coroner for Westminster
(NB. Westminster Coroner’s records for this period no longer exist. It appears that there was no local paper covering this region at the period either.)

Date: 6 September 1883
Address: 34, Gillingham Street, Pimlico
Name: Mary Porter
Sex: Female
Age: 50 years
Occupation: Widow of William Porter, Coachman
Cause: diarrhoea – 14 days
Asthenia – 2 days
Certified by: W. F. Fryer, L.R.C.P.
Informant: K Porter (?H. Porter – transcribed cert. not original)
Description: Son, present at the death
Address: 34, Gillingham Street, Pimlico

Date: 24 February 1913
Address: The Barracks, Richmond
Name: Ada Elizabeth Porter
Sex: Female
Age: 5 months
Occupation: Daughter of Walter William Porter, Corporal, Yorkshire Regiment
Cause: (1) Broncho Pneumonia
(2) Cardiac Failure
Certified by: H.J Crossley M.R.C.S; L.R.C.P.
Informant: Walter W. Porter
Description: Father
Address: The Barracks, Richmond

Date: 4th October 1936
Address: 109, Garfield Road, Scarborough
Name: Walter William Porter
Sex: Male
Age: 64 years
Occupation: Corporation Amusement Attendant
Cause: I (a) Cirrhosis of liver
(b) Divorticulitis
Certified by: E.O. Libbey R.S.A.
Informant: L.A.Porter
Description: Son, present at the death
Address: 109, Garfield Road, Scarborough

Date: 12 February 1954
Address: 109, Garfield Road, Scarborough
Name: Ada Porter
Sex: Female
Age: 77 years
Occupation: Widow of Walter William Porter, a Corporation Attendant and Army Pensioner
Cause: 1 (a) Coronary Thrombosis
(b) Myocardial degeneration
II Acute bronchitis
Certified by: David McGill M.B.
Informant: L.A. Porter
Description: Son, in attendance
Address: 168 Barrowcliff Road, Scarborough


Date: 11 October 1845 (1pm!)
Address: Bridlington
Name: George Dobson
Sex: Male
Age: 44 years
Occupation: Basket maker
Cause: Pulmonary appoplexy Effusion into the Chest. 11 days.
Informant: Ann Deighton (mark)
Description: Present at the Death
Address: High Green, Bridlington

Date: 18 February 1849
Address: High Street, Bridlington
Name: George Dobson
Sex: Male
Age: 4 months
Occupation: Son of Walter Dobson, Brick Layer
Cause: Suffocation Accidental
Informant: Edm. Dade Conyers
Description: Coroner
Address: Driffield
Must have been an inquest. Registered: 22 March.

Date: 14 February 1851
Address: High Street, Bridlington
Name: Mary Dobson
Sex: Female
Age: 46 years
Occupation: Widow of George Dobson, Basket maker
Cause: Apoplexy with Effusion
Informant: Elizth Baker
Description: Present at the Death
Address: Market Place, Bridlington

Date: 10 June 1931
Address: 3 Allans Cottages, Cambridge Street, Scarborough
Name: Edith Mary Smith
Sex: Female
Age: 48
Occupation: Wife of Henry Smith, a Coal Porter
Cause: I (a) Carcinoma Rectum
no P.M.
Certified by: F.P. Irvine M.B.
Informant: H. Smith
Description: Widower of deceased. In attendance.
Address: 3 Allans Cottages, Cambridge Street, Scarborough

Date: 23 May 1932
Address: "Barmoor Cottages" Scalby
Name: Henry Smith
Sex: Male
Age: 51
Occupation: of 3 Allans Cottages, Cambridge Street, Scarborough. A Coal Porter
Cause: I (a) Cancer of Liver
II Chronic Bronchitis
no P.M.
Certified by: W.D. Stall...
Informant: G.D. Smith
Description: Son. in attendance
Address: 3 Allans Cottages, Cambridge Street, Scarborough


Date: 8 April 1868
Address: Seamer Lane, Falsgrave
Name: Richard Howes
Sex: Male
Age:68 years
Occupation: Gardener
Cause: Diarrhoea - 2 months
Bronchitis - 3 months
Informant: Elizabeth Howes
Description: present at the death
Address: Seamer Lane, Falsgrave

Date: 9 May 1868
Address: Seamer Lane, Falsgrave
Name: Elizabeth Alice Howes
Sex: Female
Age: 3 days
Occupation: daughter of Henry Howes, Drain Pipe Maker
Cause: Convulsions - 2 days
Informant: Henry Howes
Description: present at the death
Address Seamer Lane, Falsgrave:

Date: 17 March 1873
Address: Wheelhouse's Almshouses, Scarborough
Name: Elizabeth Howes
Sex: Female
Age: 67 years
Occupation: Widow of Richard Howes, Gardener
Cause: Cardiac disease with Emphysema Bronchitis
Informant: Henry Howes
Description: in attendance
Address: Barry's Yard, Seamer Lane, Falsgrave

Date: 27 August 1890
Address: 3 Barrys Cottages, Scarborough
Name: Henry Howes
Sex: Male
Age: 46 years
Occupation: Sanitary Pipe Maker (Journeyman)
Cause: Bronchitis Cardiac Hypertrophy
Certified by: G. Barkley M.D.
Informant: Jane Howes (X)
Description: Widow of the deceased, present at the death
Address: 3 Barrys Cottages, Scarborough

Date: 24 October 1949
Address: 2, Barry's Cottages, Seamer Road, Scarborough
Name: Henry Howes
Sex: Male
Age: 75 years
Occupation: Electrical Engineer (Retired)
Cause:i(a) Coronary Thrombosis
(b) Arterio Sclerosis
Certified by: J.F. Caley M.B.
Informant: Walter Howes
Description: Son, in attendance
Address: 11, Greenstead Road, Newby, Scarborough

Date: 12 November 1956
Address: 2, Barry's Cottages, Seamer Road, Scarborough
Name: Ada Howes
Sex: Female
Age: 79 years
Occupation: Widow of Henry Howes, a Draper's Maintenance Engineer
Cause: I(a) Syncope
(b) Myocardial failure
(c) Arterio sclerosis
Certified by: G.J,F. Caley M.B.
Informant: Walter Howes
Description: Son, in attendance
Address: 11, Greenstead Road, Newby, Scarborough

Date: 18 August 1976
Address: Silver Birches, Station Avenue, Filey
Name: Alice Howes
Sex: Female
Date and place of birth: 25 June 1905, Scarborough
Occupation: A Milliner (retired)
Cause: I(a) Congestive cardiac failure
II Acute nervous depression
Certified by: Margaret E. Pawson M.B.
Informant: Elsie Howes
Description: Sister-in-law
Address: 105, Maple Drive, Scarborough


Date: 21 March 1840
Address: Organford, Parish of St. Martin, Wareham
Name: Sarah Fancy
Sex: Female
Age: 76 years
Occupation: Wife of James Fancy, Farmer
Cause: Apoplexy
Informant: Jas. Fancy
Description: Husband
Address: Organford, ?Another word

Date: 16 December 1850
Address: Lytchett Minster
Name: James Fancy
Sex: Male
Age: 85 years
Occupation: Farmer
Cause: Natural Decay
Informant: Charles Taylor
Description: In attendance
Address: Poole

Date: 10th January 1860
Address: Gore Fields, Mordon
Name: Thomas Fancy
Sex: Male
Age: 63 years
Occupation: Farmer
Cause: Paralysis 9 months
Informant: Maria ?Bunlen
Description: Present at the death
Address: Lower Lytchett

Date: 25 August 1867
Address: Watton
Name: Margaret Scruton
Sex: Female
Age: 44 years
Occupation: Wife of Thomas Scruton. A Farmer
Cause: Consumption
Informant: Mary Ann Scruton
Description: Present at the death
Address: Watton

Date: 3 February 1870
Address: Watton
Name: Ellen Scruton
Sex: Female
Age: 79 years
Occupation: Widow of Thomas Scruton. A Miller
Cause: Old Age
Informant: Mary Ann Scruton
Description: Present at the death
Address: Watton

Date: 29th July 1874
Address: Organford, Wareham
Name: Elizabeth Fancy
Sex: Female
Age: 78 years
Occupation: Widow of Thomas Fancy, Game Keeper
Cause: Old Age
Not Certified
Informant: Mary Fancy
Description: Present at the death
Address: Organford, Wareham

Date: 15 January 1879
Address: Arnold, North Skirlaugh
Name: Mary Boyes
Sex: Female
Age: 36 years
Occupation: Wife of Thomas Scruton Boyes, Farm Labourer
Cause: Invagination of the Bowels, 36 days
Certified by: C. Soloman L.R.C.P.
Informant: T.S. Boyes
Description: Widower of the deceased
Address: Arnold, North Skirlaugh

Date: 2 March 1883
Address: Watton
Name: Daniel Scruton
Sex: Male
Age: 72 years
Occupation: Corn Miller
Cause: Apoplexy
Certified by: William Wood MRCPL
Informant: Leonard Lowden
[Leonard and his wife Mary were living in the Mill in 1881 - separate household from Daniel]
Description: present at the death
Address: Watton

Date: 20 June 1888
Address: Potter Brompton, Ganton
Name: Bielby Boyes
Sex: Male
Age: 80 years
Occupation: Farm Labourer
Cause: Cerebral Hemorrhage (sic)
Certified by: D. Norris
Informant: Henry Head (x)
Description: Son in Law
Address: Potter Brompton, Ganton

Date: 20 August 1888
Address: Watton
Name: Thomas Scruton
Sex: Male
Age: 76 years
Occupation: Farmer
Cause: General Decay
Certified by: J.D.Eames LRCPL
Informant: Thomas H. Smith
Description: Grandson, present at the death
Address: Watton

Date: 10th February 1896
Address: Sanford, Wareham St. Martin
Name: Thirza Fancy
Sex: Female
Age: 58 years
Occupation: Wife of Emmanuel Fancy, Woodman
Cause: Cerebral Apoplexy
Certified by: H.F.J. Chambers LRCP
Informant: Elizabeth Fancy
Description: Daughter present at the death
Address: Sandford, Wareham St. Martin

Date: 15 March1897
Address: Lund
Name: Bertha Ellen Barker
Sex: Female
Age: 3 years
Occupation: Daughter of George Edward Barker, Farm Labourer
Cause: Skin Eruption character unknown. Croup
Certified by: William Wood MRCS
Informant: E.E. Barker
Description: Mother, present at the death
Address: Lund

Date: 20th August 1909
Address: Sandford, Wareham St. Martin
Name: Emanuel Fancy
Sex: Male
Age: 75 years
Occupation: Woodman
Cause: Mitral disease. Ascites. Exhaustion.
Certified by: F.O. Bell M.B.
Informant: Elizabeth Fancy
Description: Daughter, present at the death
Address: Sandford, Wareham

Date: 17 January 1946
Address: Lund
Name: Esther Ellen Barker
Sex: Female
Age: 82 years
Occupation: Wife of George Edward Barker, Retired General Labourer
Cause: 1 (a) Influenza (b) Pneumonia (c) Heart failure
Certified by: Ernest Clements M.B.
Informant: Mary Elizabeth Fancy
Description: Daughter, present at death
Address: Pinfold Cottage, Bainton Near Driffield

Date: 22 November 1949
Address: Pinfold Cottage, Bainton
Name: George Edward Barker
Sex: Male
Age: 92 years
Occupation: A General Labourer
Cause: I(a) Myocardial Degeneration
(b) Senile Arterio-sclerosis
Certified by:P.E.G. Clements M.B.
Informant: G.E.Barker
Description: Son, In attendance
Address: East Garth, Bainton, Driffield

Date: 17 October 1954
Address: 9, The Whins, Newby, Scalby
Name: John Fancy
Sex: Male
Age: 80 years
Occupation: Market Gardener (Retired)
Cause: I (a) Myocardial Degeneration
Certified by: Sydney E. Jackson M.B.
Informant: J. Fancy
Description: Son, present at the Death
Address: 9, The Whins, Newby, Scalby

Date: 24 October 1965
Address: 31a Cross Lane, Newby, Scalby
Name: Mary Elizabeth Fancy
Sex: Female
Age: 83 years
Occupation: Widow of John Fancy, a Gardener
Cause: I (a) Broncho pneumonia (terminal) (b) Meningioma
Certified by: Dorothy Ellison M.B.
Informant: N. Markham
Description: Daughter
Address: 31a Cross Lane, Newby, Scalby

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Created and maintained by Chris Porter. (
Last updated: 04 February 2005